Sunday, June 28, 2015

Sunday Mets Schedule

Since the weather suspended the Mets game yesterday, today's schedule has been amended to accommodate the completion of yesterday's game.

Yesterday's game will resume at 1:10PM, the original start time for today's game.  Carlos Torres will take the mound as he was announced to be the pitcher for the Mets to start the 7th inning, with the game tied at 1.

There will be a 30 minute break after the first game is done before the second game begins with the debut of Steven Matz on the mound for the Mets.

So today's schedule is as follows:
12:30PM - Mets Pregame with Wayne Randazzo

1:10PM - Game #1 - Resumption of Saturday's suspended game.  Cincinnati will be up to bat in the top of the 7th inning, with Carlos Torres on the mound for the Mets.

Approximately 2:10PM - Game #1 will conclude.  Howie Rose and Josh Lewin will wrap-up the first game from the booth before sending it to the WOR studios for between game programming.

Approximately 2:45PM - First Pitch, Game #2

We will have coverage of both games on FOX Sports Radio 1230 from the first pitch of the 7th inning to the final pitch of the second game.

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