Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Johnstown Field Hockey: Life Lessons Learned

Johnstown Field Hockey Facebook Page | link
At the start of summer, they had no idea if they would actually play in the fall.

But thanks to the overwhelming support of the area, the Johnstown Lady Bills field hockey team not only made their backers proud, they made the community proud as well.

Not only making it to the State Semifinals this past weekend, but in the fashion that they clinched their spot in this past Sunday's championship against Bronxville through a game winning goal with seconds left in overtime.  And even though they did not leave Western NY with the championship plaque, they left Alden High School as champions in the heart of those who live in Johnstown.

It's a Hollywood-esque story.   With almost a Hollywood ending.

The Johnstown field hockey story should be one reminder about why athletics matter in the educational experience of a child.   Some may argue about what role playing a game has in the academic world, and may use those arguments to justify striking ink through the line item on a budget.

But what these girls learned in the past 5 months, is stuff that cannot be learned in a textbook.   They learned hard life lessons that some people won't learn until well into their adulthood.  The generosity of a community, allowing a second chance through donations to help keep athletics like the Field Hockey program going in 2019.  The community wasn't forced to part with their money.   The people who backed this team did so through the goodness of their heart.

This is in addition to the team-building that these girls learned on the field.  A field that if it weren't for the generosity of their backers, would of never been able to step onto.

And then this story would of never happened.

Athletics matter.

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