Monday, July 8, 2013

All-Star Final Vote: Local fans torn in AL, set on Freeman in NL

Major League Baseball announced the current standings on their "Final Vote" for the final two All-Stars to play next Tuesday at Citi Field in New York.

In the National League, a surprise is that Yasiel Puig, who has earned national headlines because of his fantastic debut with the Los Angeles Dodgers, isn't leading in the vote.  Instead, that honor belongs to Atlanta Braves 1st Baseman, Freddie Freeman.

Locally, fans are agreeing with those in the Southeast in that Freddie Freeman should be playing next Tuesday.  We'd like to think that some of those fans have been listening to the Mets games against the Atlanta Braves on 1230 FOX Sports Radio.

And if that is the case, Freddie Freeman would definitely stand out with local Mets fans, especially since the Mets just wrapped up 5 games against the Atlanta Braves a couple weeks ago.  Mets fans have not seen Yasiel Puig up close, and won't get to do so until the long west coast trip in August.

In the American League, Steve Delabar leads in the vote, but you wouldn't think that looking at the local numbers.

The Red Sox/Yankees territory dispute couldn't be more prevalent by looking at the local leaders.  Red Sox All-Star hopeful Koji Uehara leads David Robertson in Warren County 64% to 31%, however, in Washington County, the top 2 are flipped.  Yankee reliever David Robertson leads 84% to Uehara's 15%.

If you want to take a look at the numbers in detail, or to vote for your favorite All-Star, do so now at  Voting ends at 4PM this Thursday.

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