Sunday, March 8, 2015

Anatomy of a championship: Lake George

The Lake George Warriors won their Class C Championship with a team effort.  Dave Jones stressed during our interview conducted on Friday that the players on the court know their roles, even if they're not the one who will be putting up the shot.

In any given play, Andrew McGowan will set up near the paint, ready to battle with one or two bodies to grab the rebound.  Joel Wincowski will bring the ball into the front court, and will try to set up a shot.  But if he can't find one, he'll try to use McGowan for a block on the pick and roll at the top of the circle.

If that works, Wincowski will get long enough of a look to take an outside shot, or drive the lane for the easy two.

But if that doesn't work, Wincowski has options.  He can either try to pass the ball around to set up a better opportunity, or give it to Kyle Jones.  If Jones is all alone, he may throw it up for a 3.

If Dylan Hubbard is on the court, he could be the recipient of Wincowski's pass.

On the other end of the court, the five on the floor work together to seize good looks and to force turnovers.  One of the players Dave Jones spoke of on Friday was Zeke Reynolds, who has a knack for stepping in the passing lane to either come up with the ball cleanly, or tip it enough to force an inbound pass.

In short, Wincowski has 33 points per game, but the reason why the Lake George Warriors won the Section 2 Class C Championship is not solely because of him.

They won because of the team atmosphere.  Like Wincowski has stated, the team has become one happy family.

A family that's heading to Plattsburgh for the State Regional Semifinals.

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